Vendors can and often do use patents in an offensive strategy to create control points of technology and revenue opportunities as well. The practice is well-established as the equivalent of a legal détente among vendors that rely on defensive patents to protect their own business strategies. Patent agreements among vendors are commonplace among virtually all large technology vendors.
IT providers have amassed software patent portfolios for many years. Instead, we think the company will attempt to pressure technology providers to come to the table and negotiate an equitable licensing or royalty arrangement in instances where Microsoft can prove its claims of infringement. Gartner believes that Microsoft will not seek to litigate patent claims against users. A general trend toward more aggressive patent licensing tactics is on the horizon. Microsoft claims that a variety of open-source software projects violate its software patents. One of them pointed out me Gartner research report entitled “ Microsoft Patent Claims Pose No Immediate Risk for Users“: Recently I wrote post about Microsoft FUD and risk for Linux user, especially Redhat Linux users. It has more information and screen shots.

Also don’t forget to check KDE4 wikipedia page. Not waiting any longer I made my mind and I have updated the SVN and have run the cmake. On the IRC channel #kde4-devel I was informed that the “Beta 3″ should have been tagged yesterday but unfortunately it didn’t turn out to be true. But as you all can see it has never happened. Honestly I wanted to wait till “Beta 3″, which should have appeared on 5th October. It’s been a whole month when I’ve investigated the new environment called KDE 4. This article is a little introduction to what you might be expecting from the brand new KDE due later this year. It’s starting to look and behave mature enough to use it on a normal desktop. There is a nice review published by Korneliusz Jarzebsk: The new version claims t make KDE faster and more memory efficient by leveraging the greater speed and efficiency of Qt 4.x and increased efficiency in the KDE libraries themselves. KDE 4 is the next major release and it is scheduled for release on December 2007. KDE an easy-to-use desktop environment for UNIX / Linux.