
Part time doctor jobs
Part time doctor jobs

part time doctor jobs

Other students may use their medical degree to delve very deeply into research-based careers in a particular field that interests them - breast cancer, neurological disorders, or environmental pathology are examples. This involves doing research as well as teaching other students and medical professionals. There are medical students who prefer to take a different path and pursue a career in academia. There are other types of doctors who can also work within a community, such as those who work in paediatrics, obstetrics, and sexual health. They diagnose and treat their patients for all sorts of ailments, and also refer their patients to the appropriate specialist doctor when needed for specific medical opinions and advice.

part time doctor jobs

They are the frontline and first point of contact in a patient's health care.

part time doctor jobs

The other half or so of medical students will end up becoming general practitioners, seeing patients of all ages within a particular community. For example, a medical student can choose to become a neurosurgeon and then within this become a sub-specialist in pediatric neurosurgery. Please see below under What Are a Few Medical Specialties One Can Consider? for more details. There are many medical specialties to choose from - at least thirty - and within these specialties, there are many sub-specialties. There are typically three categories of doctors:Īpproximately half of doctors work in a hospital setting, either as a surgeon or as a specialized doctor. What a doctor does will differ depending on the kind of medicine they practice. What is the workplace of a Doctor like?.

Part time doctor jobs