When Exif is employed in TIFF files (also when used as "an embedded TIFF file" mentioned earlier), the TIFF Private Tag 0x8769 defines a sub-Image File Directory (IFD) that holds the Exif specified TIFF Tags. When Exif is employed for JPEG files, the Exif data are stored in one of JPEG's defined utility Application Segments, the APP1 (segment marker 0xFFE1), which in effect holds an entire TIFF file within.

The Metadata Working Group has guidelines on mapping tags between these standards. For descriptive metadata, there is an overlap between Exif, IPTC Information Interchange Model and XMP info, which also can be embedded in a JPEG file. On several image specific properties, there is a large overlap between the tags defined in the TIFF, Exif, TIFF/EP, and DCF standards. The Exif tag structure is borrowed from TIFF files. The latest version 2.3 was released on 26 April 2010, and revised to 2.31 in July 2013 and revised to 2.32 on, was jointly formulated by JEITA and CIPA. Version 2.21 (with Adobe RGB support) is dated 11 July 2003, but was released in September 2003 following the release of DCF 2.0. " Exif Print"), dated 20 February 2002 and released in April 2002. JEITA established Exif version 2.2 (a.k.a. Version 2.1 of the specification is dated 12 June 1998. The Japan Electronic Industries Development Association (JEIDA) produced the initial definition of Exif. This section needs expansion with: changes.
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Camera settings: This includes static information such as the camera model and make, and information that varies with each image such as orientation (rotation), aperture, shutter speed, focal length, metering mode, and ISO speed information.

The metadata tags defined in the Exif standard cover a broad spectrum: Exif is supported by almost all camera manufacturers.